Unity Game Development: Abilities, Splines, Minimaps and Odin Inspector | Devlog #2

Welcome back to another Revolocity devlog! In this update, I’m excited to share the latest advancements and features I've been working on for the game. Since the last devlog, we've gone from 69 to 95 commits, and there’s a lot to cover. Let’s dive into the improvements and new additions!

Fixing the Ability System

After the last devlog, I focused on ironing out issues with the ability system. There were bugs where abilities wouldn’t reset or cooldown properly, especially after the player died and returned to the main menu. Once these issues were fixed, I added new abilities to ensure everything worked smoothly. I discovered interesting use cases, like turning the pulse wave ability into a repulsion field or a gravity well by tweaking the settings.

Streamlining Development with Odin Inspector

I’ve expanded my use of the Odin Inspector asset, creating a custom window to automate repetitive tasks. This window allows me to toggle the enemy spawner, select and manipulate the player, load scenes, and interact with various UI elements. It’s been a massive time-saver and has improved my workflow significantly.

Introducing Spline Systems

I got sidetracked but inspired by the Unity spline package, creating a system that aligns with Revolocity’s focus on speed and momentum. I developed a prefab that acts as an interstellar highway, dragging players and enemies along its path. After fixing bugs where players could get stuck, I’m thrilled with how this feature enhances the game.

New Environmental Features

Although still in the early stages, I began redesigning some environmental elements. I created a spinner object to increase player spin and cannons to launch players and enemies. These elements are far from finished but already add an exciting dynamic to the game.

Minimaps and Enemy Abilities

I implemented a minimap system, though I’m still unsure of its utility due to the game’s hectic action. Feedback on this feature would be appreciated! Additionally, I refactored the ability manager to allow enemies to use the same abilities as players, introducing new enemy behaviors and enhancing gameplay variety.

Looking Ahead

The final touch for this update was removing old sound effects to start fresh, aiming to implement more professional SFX in the next devlog. If you’re enjoying what you see, please wishlist Revolocity on Steam. Your support means a lot and helps me continue improving the game.

Thank you for following along on this journey. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments!


Revolocity_May2024.zip 75 MB
33 days ago
Builds.zip 330 MB
Jan 31, 2022
Day 7 Build.zip 61 MB
Jan 31, 2022

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